February 16, 2002

Miller Gym

Batesville, AR

The first match of the night was a special challenge singles match featuring
"the Extreme" Austin Lane vs. Jeremy James.  This match was for the number 1
contender's spot for James' MSCW Heavyweight title. As usual, all of Harper's
Ring came to ringside with James, seriously tilting things in his favor. The match
started with Lane getting an early advantage, but the outside interference of
Harper's Ring members soon ended that. They worked overtime to keep the Ref
distracted while they double and triple-teamed Lane at every opportunity. Finally,
when James and the Ring felt they had beaten Lane down, James turned to the
fans and began to bad mouth them and Lane. Unknown to James, Lane slowly
rolled up behind him and jerked him down for a schoolboy pin to get the win!

The second match was a tag team match featuring X-Kaliber & NCCW
newcomer, Uncle Jack, vs. the self-proclaimed Tag Team Champs, Dangerous
Dave & "Lightning" Tommy Gunn, with "the Perfectionist" Scott Fury in their
corner. This match featured 2 totally different styles of wrestling, 2 big men using
power and weight advantages against the quickness and agility of 2 lightweights.
Add in the nuisance of Scott Fury at ringside and it was going to be a long night
for X and Jack. The size and power advantage won out this time, but in true
Harper's Ring style, Dave and Gunn couldn't do it straight up.  Fury continually
taunted X until he left the ring to go after him, only to get blindsided by Gunn.
Fury then attacked X on the floor and the Ref slid out to try to break them up.
While this was going on, in the ring, Dave and Gunn double teamed Jack and
popped him with an H-bomb. The Ref slid in to make the count and give the win
to Dave and Gunn. After the match, X challenged Fury to a singles match later
and Commissioner Dennis Stephens ordered it to happen.

The third match was a 3-way dance featuring Dave Rodgriguez vs. Joe Cool vs.
Dr. Love. At first it looked bad for Dr. Love as Rodriguez and Cool seemed to
be working together to beat him.  But that alliance was short lived as the veteran
Rodriguez decided to take the 2 youngsters to school. The match ended when
Cool went for a small package on Love and Rodriguez then rolled him over and
pinned both at the same time.

The fourth match was a handicap match featuring Mr. O.G. Harley, with Mr.
Randy Fred, Esquire, in his corner, vs. Mac Daddy & the returning Heart Throb.
This match was out of control from the start.  It began when Harley's music was
played wrong and he came running out and destroyed his own CD while chewing
the music guy out. Then a fan attempted to poke him with a walking cane, which
Harley took and bashed to pieces on a ring post, some pieces nearly hitting some
fans.  It only got worse as the match progressed and Harley sytematically
destroyed Mac and Heart Throb.  Mac and Heart Throb got some good shots
in, but the big man was nearly unstoppable. The match ended when Harley
chokeslammed Mac to the mat and got the pin after powerbombing Heart
Throb. However, because of his actions before and during the match,
Commissioner Stephens suspended Harley indefinately.  It wasn't a move he
enjoyed making, but it had to be done.

During the intermission, as Austin Lane was visiting with fans near the concession
stand, Jeremy James, Dangerous Dave, and Tommy Gunn jumped him and
slammed him on the floor and then threw him into the ring and gave him a
spike pile driver.  They scattered when X-Kaliber, Mac Daddy, and Heart
Throb hit the ring. Security and the Ref helped Lane to the back with an
apparent neck injury.

The Semi-main was the special challenge match ordered by Commissioner
Stephens earlier featuring X-Kaliber vs. "the Perfectionist" Scott Fury.  And, of
course, members of Harper's Ring accompanied him. This match featured a lot
of the high flying and high risk you can expect with 2 lightweights going at it, and
X was beginning to get an advantage on Fury until the Ring interfered by
distracting the Ref. This allowed Dangerous Dave and Tommy Gunn to slide in
and jump X and hit him with an H-bomb.  This allowed Fury to roll over and
make a pin to get the win.

The Main Event was a special singles match booked by Commissioner Stephens.
It featured "the Extreme" Austin Lane vs. Jeremy James, but there was one
stipulation added to this match after the attack on Lane during the intermission.
The loser of the match had to sit in the middle of the ring and be fed a can of
dog food! As expected, Harper's Ring came to the ring with James and Johnny
Harper protested the stipulation loudly. But the match went on. James took the
advantage right off, attacking the injured neck of Lane. Ring members distracted
the Ref several times so they could interfere. After a big pile driver, James turned
to the Ring members and began to brag about how easy this was. Behind him
Lane rolled up and smiled as he flexed his neck to show the fans that he had been
sandbagging the injury! While the Ring members were trying to get James to turn
around, Lane grabbed him and pulled him down in a backslide to get the pin and
win! James then refused to sit in the chair in the ring until Ref Larry Anthony
grabbed him and plopped him in it and told him to sit or be suspended. Just as
Lane was about to shove the first spoonful of dog food into James' mouth, the
Ring members charged the ring and attacked Lane. After beating him down, they
shoved the dog food into his face. The Ref tried to stop them and got a punch
from Dave Rodriguez for his trouble, followed by another from Tommy Gunn.
They then got a rope and tied Lane's legs together after looping it over a rafter in
the Miller Gym's roof.  They then proceeded to hoist Lane up until he was
completely off the mat! The Ref again tried to stop them, but Tommy Gunn
stomped him out of the ring. In the ring, they stomped and punched and strapped
the helpless Lane. To top it all off, they then bashed him with a chair as he hung
there! On the floor, Tommy Gunn then stomped the Ref's knee savagely. As
Security carried the injured Ref toward the back, Johnny Harper yelled that they
would take out anyone they wanted to at any time, then rammed his walking cane
into the Ref's gut. In the ring they continued to bash on Lane. Just as Security
got the Ref to the ramp, Scott Fury got in his face and laughed then stomped his
injured knee, too! Finally satisfied with themselves, the Ring untied Lane and
left him lying in the ring covered with dog food.

Now what? Austin Lane's hurt. The Senior Ref is hurt. Casino Kid is not
100% yet. Who's left to stop Harper's Ring from taking over? Join us Saturday
night, Feb. 23rd, at the Miller Gym to find out!

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