February 2 & 9, 2002

Miller Gym

Batesville, AR

February 2

The night started with Tiny coming out and challenging O.G. Harley for his
Hardcore Belt.  Harley answered when he came out minus his manager, Mr.
Randy Fred, who was at a spa getting a facial after the Hillbilly style one he
got last week.  The match was on for later in the evening!

Then Austin Lane and Kid Krayzy came out and Lane called out Johnny Harper.
The whole Ring came with him (of course). Austin then challenged Harper to
wrestle Krayzy with the stipulation that if Krayzy pinned him, Austin would get
Scott Fury later in the night.  Harper agreed.

The first match was the Harper vs. Krayzy match. Krayzy showed his aerial
talents throughtout the match, but Harper showed his ring savvy and kept the
Kid down most of the match, with the outside help of his Ring. Then, as Harper
bragged to his Ring on the outside, Krayzy rolled him up in a quick schoolboy
and got the pin with a somewhat quicker count than usual from Senior Ref
Larry Anthony.  The Ring was incensed, but the match was done and Lane
would get Fury later on.

The second match was the Hardcore Title match featuring Hillbilly Tiny vs.
the Champion, Mr. O.G. Harley. This was a classic big man vs. big man match.
Lots of power moves and just plain bashing each other senseless.  There were
moments that the ring appeared to be in mortal danger from these 2.  The match
ended when Tiny hit his Boulder Roll and got the pin!  New Hardcore Champ!

The third match of the night was a tag team match scheduled to be a 2-of-3 falls
match with 3 different kinds of matches featuring Mac Daddy & Kid Steel vs.
the K-9's.  But the K-9's had "transportation problems." However, Commissioner
Dennis Stephens had made arrangements for the match to go on with a substitute
team for the K-9's, Sgt. John Smith & the returning Eric Slade.  The first fall
was a standard pinfall match which Mac Daddy won by hitting Slade with his
One Night Stand.  The second fall was a weapons match in which Steel's wrench
and Smith's cowbell were legal.  This fall was won by Smith after he bashed
Steel down and pinned him while Mac and Slade were going at it. The third fall
was a "who's your daddy" submission match in which you won by making your
opponent say "your my daddy" on the mic in the ring.  This fall was won by
Steel when he got his Torque Wrench on Slade and he said the magic words.
Mac and Steel win the match 2 falls to 1.  Smith and Slade were not happy with
the results and tried to take it out on Ref Larry Anthony by shoving him around.
This only made the Ref mad and he shoved Smith to the mat and threatened to
fine him.  Smith and Slade left the ring.

The fourth match was a singles match featuring "the Perfectionist" Scott Fury vs.
a mystery opponent that Commissioner Stephens had found, Mister X.  The
moment Mr. X appeared, Fury and the rest of Harper's Ring began to whine
and complain that Mr. X was Casino Kid under a mask and refused to wrestle.
Fury was threatened with suspension if he didn't, so he did.  Mr. X pretty much
had his way with Fury, using his considerable size advantage to best effect. Even
with the outside interference of Harper's Ring, Mr. X got the pin.

The Semi-main was the match that Austin Lane won the right to earlier and
Scott Fury had to come right back out after his loss to Mr. X and face Austin
Lane. In this match, Harper's Ring was at their worst. Many times they distracted
the Ref and double and triple teamed Lane inside and outside the ring.  After
being bashed on the floor, Lane was thrown in to Fury, who hit his Perfect
Ending and pinned Lane with his feet on the ropes unnoticed by the Ref.

The Main Event was a tag team match with some added perks. It featured Casino
Kid & Freezer Thompson vs. Jeremy James & Dangerous Dave, with all of
Harper's Ring in tow.  However, there was a stipulation that Harper didn't
anticipate. First, all of Harper's Ring was banned from ringside and Harper was
to be chained to the wall! Once again the Ring complained that Mr. X was
Casino, but then Mr. X's head was seen poked through the curtain to the back.
Harper refused to be chained up, but Promoter Tasker Huff and Commissioner
Stephens handled that by grabbing him and pulling him to the Ref, who
handcuffed him to a chain run through a fixture on the wall.  Then the Ring was
escorted to the back by security and the match began.  Casino and Freezer
controlled the match early, but then James and Dave used a cheap shot and took
over on Casino for a while.  Then Casino finally got a tag on Freezer and he
cleaned house until the Ring came rushing to the ring and Fury uncuffed Harper.
Harper then hit the Ref with a chair and took the chain to the ring where it was
used to work Casino's leg over and keep him down.  The Ref tried to intervene
again and got punched by Harper.  Then as he tried to stand again, Jeremy
James punched him through the ropes.  Finally, Austin Lane, Kid Steel, Kid
Krayzy, and Mac Daddy hit the ring and Harper's Ring powdered out.  But
Tommy Gunn took the opportunity to stomp the Ref as he left. The match
was ruled a no contest. Casino Kid was then taken to the hospital to have his
leg checked.

After the match, Freezer challenged Jeremy James to a logging chain match for
his MSWA Heavyweight belt.  Which Commissioner Stephens was only too
glad to sign.  He also announced that Scott Fury would face Mr. X again and
that the double elimination tag team tournament would start next week, too.
Then Ref Larry Anthony announced the fines on Harper, James, and Gunn.


February 9

The night started with a tag team match requested by Eric Slade, teaming him
with NCCW newcomer, Joe Cool vs. Austin Lane & Dr. Love.  This match just
never got started in any kind of control and ended up a no contest, but both Joe
Cool and Dr. Love showed that they have talent to be reckoned with.

The second match was the first of the first round matches in the tag team
tournament.  It featured Mac Daddy & Kid Steel vs. Dangerous Dave &
"Lightning" Tommy Gunn (the self-proclaimed Tag Team Champs), with all of
Harper's Ring at ringside. Game as they were, Mac & Steel didn't have much
chance against 7 men as Harper and James interfered at every opportunity. Dave
& Gunn got the win.

The third match was also a first round match of the tournament. It featured
Jeremy James & Dave Rodriguez, with Harper's Ring, vs. Austin Lane &
X-Kaliber. Again it was 7 on 2 as Scott Fury, Dangerous Dave, and Tommy
Gunn interfered at every turn. Then Harper's Ring had a brain fart as James &
Rodriguez left the ring claiming victory. The only problem was that they
hadn't pinned anyone, thus the Ref began tolling the 10-count.  As the count got
to 8, they finally realized what was going on and rushed back to the ring, but the
10 came first and they were the losers by count out.

The fourth match was scheduled to be the rematch for the Hardcore belt
between Tiny and Mr. O.G. Harley, with Mr. Randy Fred back from the spa.
However, Tiny had mule trouble and couldn't be there.  Harley immediately
claimed victory, but Commissioner Dennis Stephens held him up with a
surprise.  There would be a match for Harley...a handicap match vs. the
returning Hillbillies, Bubba Joe & J.R. Cobb with Peggy Sue! Harley protested
loudly, but the match went on.  The Hillbillies had the match well in hand when
Scott Fury came running out and distracted the Ref while Randy Fred grabbed
Peggy Sue from behind and started to drag her out of the building.  This got
Bubba Joe's attention and he chased him with Hannah Rose.  This allowed
Harley to hit a chokeslam on J.R. and get the pin.  But that wasn't enough as
he grabbed a chair and bashed J.R. repeatedly until Bubba Joe came back with
Hannah Rose and ran him and Fury out.

The fifth match was the rematch of Scott Fury vs. Mr. X.  This match had the
stipulation of mask vs. bandana.  If Fury got Mr. X's mask off, he won.  If
Mr. X got Fury's bandana off, he won.  In a repeat of last week, Mr. X
dominated the smaller Fury.  Only the interference of Harper's Ring allowed
Fury any chance at all.  Fury managed to get the mask off Mr. X, only to find
that he had another on under it!  Finally, Fury left the ring in a huff and the Ref
began to count him out.  But Commissioner Stephens stopped him and ordered
Fury back into the ring under threat of suspension.  He reluctantly re-entered
the ring and charged Mr. X, who stepped to the side and grabbed the bandana
off Fury's head.  Win goes to Mr. X.

Kid Krayzy then made his way to the mic and called Scott Fury back out.  He
challenged Fury to get in the ring right now and stop ducking his little brother.
Fury got cocky with Harper's Ring out with him and got in the ring.  The match
started with Fury dominating the lightweight Krayzy, then, as Fury bragged to
the Ring, Krayzy got up and hit Fury with a superkick as he turned around.
Then he jumped up on the top rope and hit a frog splash from 2/3rds of the
way across the ring!  Krayzy got the pin and win.  Harper's Ring stormed the
ring and Krayzy powdered out and went to the ramp.  Then Harper got on the
mic and told Krayzy to come back and face Jeremy James right now!  James
was waiting on him as he ran back to the ring.  But he ducked James attempted
punch, hit him with a shoulder to the gut through the ropes and popped a
sunset flip over the top rope and got the pin! To be honest, Ref Larry Anthony's
3-count was a little fast.

The Main Event was a special challenge match scheduled to be Freezer
Thompson vs. Jeremy James.  But Freezer had car trouble and didn't make it.
From the look on James' face, the car trouble was no accident.  Then
Commissioner Stephens wiped that smug grin off his face when he announced
the substitute for Freezer as Casino Kid!  Casino came out and got the mic
and called out his friend, Mr. X!  There for all to see, was Mr. X standing
with his friend and sometime tag partner Casino Kid!  Harper's Ring was
dumbfounded.  Then the Ref strapped the logging chain to one hand of
each man and the match began. It wasn't long before the chain was being used
as a weapon by both men.  Then it turned sour when James managed to get
his hand free from the chain and Harper's Ring jumped Casino and started
to work on the leg they injured last week, again using the logging chain on it.
The Ref tried to stop them, but James punched him for his trouble. Finally,
Austin Lane, Kid Steel, and Bubba Joe Cobb hit the ring and they left in a
hurry. The match was ruled a no contest.

Now what?  Harper's Ring has managed to get their way in most everything,
who's safe?  Who's their next target?  Join us Saturday, Feb. 16, at the Miller
Gym and find out!

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